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I know the Switch "Pro" rumors are true, and the reason a lot of Switch games recently have been keeping their frame rate unlocked is to have an easy performance boost on it. https://t.co/GxODxxWOfB
— AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@AestheticGamer1) September 23, 2020
據爆料人Dusk Golem透露,Switch Pro主機確認存在。還有一個重要的信號是,最近一批Switch遊戲紛紛獲準解鎖fps限制,以為未來的平滑升級做準備。
此前,分析師曾指出,Switch Pro可以支持4K分辨率輸出,顯然,這需要三方IP做調配。CPU方面,外界猜測會基於NVIDIA Tegra Xavier SoC定mo制gai,其圖形性能大致和Xbox One趨近。
Switch Pro的最終發售時間不詳,年底的話會和Sony、微軟正面衝突,明年春季更適合。