Gearbox Software 總裁 Randy Pitchford 近日在 Twitter 上宣佈,3 月 25 日發售的《小蒂娜的奇幻樂園》將會在推出當天起開始支援跨平台遊玩,包括 PC / PS5 / Xbox Series X / PS4 / Xbox One。
Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands will ship on March 25 with full cross play for all platforms at launch, including PlayStation. Incredible work from the engineers at Gearbox Software with thanks to our partners at 2k Games and 1st parties, including Sony, for working together on this.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) March 13, 2022ADVERTISEMENT
另外,有玩家問及 2019 年推出的《邊緣禁地3》跨平台,他就表示《邊緣禁地3》已推出了跨平台好一段時間,不過暫時不支援 PlayStation 平台,未來有加入 PS5 / PS4 版跨平台的可能性。