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開發團隊 Massive Monster 透過 Twitter 宣佈《進擊羔羊傳說》發售只有短短一星期,就已經突破 100 萬玩家數,非常感謝所有玩家的奉獻,團隊會致力通過調整、修復和免費大型更新內容來改進遊戲。這只是一個開始,因為這個邪教還有很大的發展空間!
《進擊羔羊傳說》是一款 Roguelike 動作冒險遊戲,玩家扮演被惡魔附身的小羊,建立邪教、招收忠誠追隨者、同時探索一個龐大隨機生成的世界,打敗各種敵人與邪教領袖,吸收他們的力量來維持你邪教的統治地位。
The Lamb has blessed 1 MILLION players in our first week!
— Cult of the Lamb OUT NOW (@cultofthelamb) August 18, 2022
We are eternally grateful for your devotion and our team is committed to improving the game with tweaks, fixes and free major content updates.
This is only the beginning as there's so much room for this Cult to grow! pic.twitter.com/sj44I8Ufp3