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曾於 4A Games 任職的動畫師 Andrii Korzinkin,在俄羅斯入侵後加入烏克蘭軍隊。近日由遊戲動畫師 Serhii Krystiev 與遊戲設計師 Leonid Stepanov 等人透過 Twitter 發表消息,他已經在一次為保衛國家的任務中英勇犧牲。
Andrii "Nizrok" Korzinkin (@korzinkin_3d) died while performing a combat mission in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. A talented animator, incredible person and real hero. Rest in peace, friend. We all miss you. https://t.co/2OC83CMdfU
— Leonid Stepanov (@Leonid_Games) October 2, 2022
Leonid Stepanov 盛讚他是一位反應迅速、樂於助人、隨時準備提供幫助、非常負責任和敬業的人,在《戰慄深隧:流亡》合作以來就認識了他,他總是以幽默和追求卓越的方式脫穎而出。他的積極態度令人充滿動力繼續前進,並灌輸了毫不猶豫地面對困難。親愛的朋友,你會被想念的。安息吧。
My friend, talented animator and great and humble person @korzinkin_3d performing combat mission heroically died defending Ukraine .I don't have any words to describe this loss. He was a person who I always wanted to be alike as a professional. Rest in peace my friend. https://t.co/7j6Zs3ZlOF
— Serhii Krystiev (@krimzky) October 3, 2022
Andrii Korzinkin 並非唯一一位 4A Games 旗下的參軍人員,跟據遊戲設計師 Andrii Krasavin 表示,4A Games 團隊中還有其餘 8 位成員正在參軍服役。