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《Projekt Z》於今年 5 月時曾宣佈 Kickstarter 眾籌計劃取消,不過承諾不會對開發造成危險,今天開發團隊宣佈預發行商 Modus Games 合作,確定將這款遊戲在 Xbox Series X/S / PlayStation 5 / PC 平台推出。
We are pleased to announce that we've found an excellent partner in @Modus_Games and look
— Projekt Z (@ProjektZgame) October 12, 2022
forward to completing this passion project! Alongside that, we are happy to announce that Projekt Z will see a full release on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC!https://t.co/lKrmigtPxw pic.twitter.com/dW0Jqjaxtn
《Projekt Z》是一款以二次世界大戰作背景,德國納粹為扭轉戰爭進行名為「Projekt Z」的秘密計劃,意圖把喪屍變成戰爭武器。你將會在島上面對喪屍的襲擊,生存並尋找各種計劃背後的秘密。