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玩家 Colour 早前表示 Stadia 遊戲服務結束將會令他失去一個《Red Dead Online》接近 6000 小時的遊戲存檔,引起了玩家社群的關注,並希望 Rockstar Games 可以給出一個救濟 Stadia 平台玩家的方案。
No you don't understand how seriously pissed off I am pic.twitter.com/UZ157WLmru
— Colour (@ItsColourTV) September 29, 2022
Colour 近日表示收到了 Rockstar Games 的回覆,表示現在已經可以讓 Stadia 版的玩家們透過 Rockstar Social Club 帳戶進行存檔記級的轉移,可以引繼帳戶中的所有東西。Colour 對此向所有關注事件的媒體與創作者表示感謝,幫助了整個玩家社區免於失去所有線上遊戲進度。
I doubt this would have been possible if it weren't for all of the creators and gaming journalists that picked up my story and raised awareness. I have all of you to thank as you have helped save an entire community of players from losing all their online progress. https://t.co/k8bNqgoxXY
— Colour (@ItsColourTV) October 20, 2022