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Well, here's a crazy thing. After 22 years and 9 months, today was my last day at Blizzard.
— Monte Krol (@krolco) July 22, 2023
It's impossible to sum up in a tweet; I'm grateful for an uncountable number of things.
To my Blizz family: stay awesome, and drink some great coffee.
No Orc for me... Alliance forever: pic.twitter.com/sev6u6cbUi
Monte Krol於2000年10月加入暴雪,於2007年晉升為首席軟件工程師,2020年晉升為技術總監,在離職前,他總共在暴雪工作了22年零9個月。在漫長的職業生涯中,Monte Krol幾乎參與了從《魔獸爭霸3》到《暗黑破壞神4》的所有暴雪項目。