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外媒The Verge的編輯Tom Warren表示,傳聞中的PS5 Pro若確實存在,將成為遊玩《GTA6》的首選,直至Rockstar推出PC版。
if the rumored PS5 Pro is legit then it could be the best place to play GTA 6 until its eventual PC release. Assuming Microsoft doesn’t have an equivalent Xbox Series X Pro then that leaves Xbox Series S as the most affordable way to play GTA 6 natively pic.twitter.com/Iirw7UtFer
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) March 16, 2024
如果微軟未推出Xbox Series X Pro升級,Xbox Series S也是《GTA6》的經濟實惠選擇。
《GTA6》預計2025年登陸PS5和Xbox Series平台,暫無PC版消息。