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Niantic 近日表示與國際社會站在一起,希望和平並迅速解決烏克蘭的暴力和苦難。宣佈 Niantic 的遊戲在俄羅斯和白俄羅斯不再提供下載,遊戲也將在短期內暫停。
We stand with the global community in hoping for peace and a rapid resolution to the violence and suffering in Ukraine. Niantic’s games are no longer available for download in Russia and Belarus, and gameplay will also be suspended there shortly.
— Niantic (@NianticLabs) March 11, 2022
Niantic 開發多款全球知名 AR 與位置情報類型手機遊戲,包括《Ingress》與《Pokemon GO》以及《Pikmin Bloom》等等。