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《鬥陣特攻 2》今天正式於全球上線開服,並改為基本免費遊玩,吸引大量玩家湧入,但很多玩家表示出現「Unexpected Server Error」的訊息無法進行遊戲,而且排隊登入人數更一度達到破萬人。
Unfortunately we are experiencing a mass DDoS attack on our servers. Teams are working hard to mitigate/manage. This is causing a lot of drop/connection issues. https://t.co/4GwrfHEiBE
— Mike Ybarra (@Qwik) October 4, 2022
暴雪 CEO Mike Ybarra 於 Twitter 上確認公司伺服器受到了大規劃的 DDoS 攻撃,造成通訊網絡障礙。由於要透過遮斷特定 IP 來停止攻擊,但需要多間企業合作進行,所以需要時間進行對應。現在正在應對第二次 DDoS 攻擊,而伺服器問題上已得到改善,希望大家耐心等待。
We’re steadily making progress on server issues and stability, as well as working through a second DDoS attack. We’re all hands on deck and will continue to work throughout the night. Thank you for your patience - we’ll share more info as it becomes available.
— Aaron Keller (@aaronkellerOW) October 5, 2022