外國媒體報導 Annie Wersching 於 2020 年夏天被診斷出患有癌症,抗病多年後於近日不幸離世,年僅 45 歲。她曾於遊戲《The Last of Us》演出泰絲一角,亦在知名劇集「24」系列中演出。
We at Naughty Dog are deeply saddened to hear of Annie Wersching's passing. We keep her in our hearts and memories, and we hope that her family may find peace during this time.
— Naughty Dog (@Naughty_Dog) January 29, 2023
If you would like to support her family, please consider donating: https://t.co/KsvecO0wPw
《The Last of Us》的開發商頑皮狗亦於 Twitter 發表了悼念她的訊息,對消息深感悲痛,她將永遠留在心中和記憶中,並希望她的家人能在這段時間裡得到安寧。