據gamesradar消息,不少玩家反饋這一情況在遊戲正式發售後依然存在。推特用戶JustSlaythe發文稱:「在與BOSS大戰時,我的PS5也出現了過熱的情況。但參考了清灰塵的建議後,我發現我主機裡面沒有任何灰塵。我感覺罪魁禍首就是《Final Fantasy 16》,而不是硬件本身。」
I also got the ps5 overheating during big fights in FF16 / FFXVI #FFXVI @SquareEnix .
I decided to open it.
It's flawless, not a single spec of dust. It's not constrained by anything etc...
First gen ps5, maybe a design flaw somewhere. Only this game does that though.— Lou (@JustSlaythe) June 23, 2023ADVERTISEMENT
I did a clean on my PS5 fan and it seems to have fixed my overheating problem with FF16, It got through just fine this time LFG Clive
— DayFul (@DavidFulstow) June 18, 2023