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The Open Beta has come to an end!
— THE FINALS (@reachthefinals) November 6, 2023
An unforgettable week for us — a whopping 7.5 MILLION contestants entered the arena! Now it’s time for us to hunker down and get back to work on all the fixes and improvements you helped us identify. GG and until next time! #REACHTHEFINALS pic.twitter.com/JI1KXQMNdr
《THE FINALS》測試期間僅在Steam平台的線上高峰就超過了26萬(267874人),由於非常火爆。開發商曾Embark Studios表示,這款遊戲部分靈感來自於《飢餓遊戲》和2000年的電影《角鬥士》。