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貼文指出,蘋果認為Epic的「安裝」按鈕設計和位置與其「取得」按鈕過於相似,且「包含應用程式內購買」的標籤設計也過於相近。對此,Epic 已向歐盟委員會表達憂慮,並強調若無干擾,該App Store計劃在未來幾個月內上線。
1/3 Apple has rejected our Epic Games Store notarization submission twice now, claiming the design and position of Epic’s “Install” button is too similar to Apple's "Get" button and that our "In-app purchases" label is too similar to the App Store's "In-App Purchases" label.
— Epic Games Newsroom (@EpicNewsroom) July 5, 2024
今年2月,Epic宣布希望將Epic App Store和《Fortnite》帶到歐盟地區的iOS設備上。全球範圍推出時間及登陸Android的時間目前仍不明確。