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美國拍賣商會 Heritage Auctions 宣佈,一盒評分為 9.8 A++的絕佳品質美版《Super Mario 64》遊戲卡帶,於當地以 156 萬美元(約 1210 萬港幣)天價成交,並打破了主機遊戲卡帶單次成交價最高記錄,非常驚人。
Pristine ‘Super Mario 64’ Breaks Video Game Auction Record With $1.56 Million #HeritageAuctions #SuperMario #N64
— Heritage Auctions (@HeritageAuction) July 11, 2021
Via @RollingStonehttps://t.co/3dBaZdcrF2
今次成交前的 7 月 10 日,一盒評分 9.0 A 級的未開封版《薩爾達傳說》遊戲亦以 87 萬美元(約 675 萬港幣)成交,打破當時的最高成交價記錄,難以相信相隔只有兩天,記錄再被刷新!
#HERITAGELIVE #WORLDRECORD!! Bidding frenzy drives The Legend of Zelda - Wata 9.0 A Sealed [No Rev-A, Round SOQ, Early Production], NES Nintendo 1987 USA to $870,000 – most ever paid for a video game at auction, at #HeritageAuctions! https://t.co/PRhOICeMlV#LegendofZelda pic.twitter.com/7TSYYmt8Ik
— Heritage Auctions (@HeritageAuction) July 9, 2021