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動視暴雪在性侵醜聞的事件後,發表了 COD 系列新作《Call of Duty先鋒》,不過外媒就發現動視暴雪在遊戲的宣傳片中收起了公司 LOGO,懷疑是避免性侵醜聞而影響到這款全球最紅射擊遊戲的形象。
外國記者 Stephen Totilo 向動視暴雪問及收起公司 LOGO 的原因,動視暴雪的發言人只給了「Call of Duty 繼續擴展到令人難以置信的體驗世界,這是一個創造性的選擇,反映了先鋒如何代表這款 IP 成為下一個主要部分」這個模稜兩可的答覆。
I asked Activision about the logo's absence, a change from other CoD reveals.
— Stephen Totilo (@stephentotilo) August 20, 2021
Their PR: "Call of Duty has continued to expand into an incredible universe of experiences. This was a creative choice that reflects how Vanguard represents the next major installment in the franchise” https://t.co/12PPrXRFcY