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Netflix、動視暴雪、Epic Games 於近日紛紛宣佈加入俄羅斯制裁行動,Netflix 方面會停止在俄羅斯的服務,包括影像的串流服務以及影片的買賣、以及停止製作在俄羅斯進行的相關節目。
We are committed to helping those impacted by the terrifying violence taking place in Ukraine.
— Activision Blizzard (@ATVI_AB) March 5, 2022
Today, we are announcing the suspension of new sales of and in our games in Russia while this conflict continues, as well as other efforts to assist Ukraine. https://t.co/wG9tQMNzjK
而動視暴雪與 Epic Games 都宣佈停止在俄羅斯銷售遊戲,動視暴雪確定會暫停包括遊戲內購的一切販賣,而 Epic Games 就停止遊戲中與俄羅斯的交易,但未有封鎖俄羅斯玩家進行遊戲,已購買遊戲的玩家仍可繼續遊玩。
Epic is stopping commerce with Russia in our games in response to its invasion of Ukraine. We’re not blocking access for the same reason other communication tools remain online: the free world should keep all lines of dialogue open.
— Epic Games Newsroom (@EpicNewsroom) March 5, 2022