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This is the other game I was talking about when we went over the Black Panther stuff. You shouldn't have to wait much longer to hear about it, but you will have to wait to play it. Although it's coming before Black Panther. https://t.co/qFaStBsoL6
— Grubb (@JeffGrubb) September 10, 2022
Grubb表示EA Motive將在《Dead Space:重製版》之後開發《鋼鐵俠》單人遊戲,《Dead Space:重製版》將於2023年1月27日發售,登陸PC,PS5和Xbox Series X|S。
去年5月,EA在美國西雅圖成立了新工作室EA Redmond,由《中土世界:戰爭之影》開發商Monolith Productions的副總裁Kevin Stephens領導,負責開發一個開放世界動作冒險遊戲。