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On all the PS5 Pro/Slim rumors - I don't think it's a pro or slim, My understanding is that it's just "gen 2" of the regular PS5.
— Tom Henderson (@_Tom_Henderson_) January 23, 2023
The normal PS5 will cease production at the end of this year and the new model will start in April and begin selling in September.
Henderson發推表示,對於所有的PS5 Pro/Slim傳聞,他都認為不太可能。他的理解是:
對於本世代是否會有加強版主機(Pro版),他本人持懷疑態度。畢竟PS5還沒有被充分利用,直到年底才大規模量產,「我只能說,與PS5 Pro相比,我對PS6的了解更多。」