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‧Killzone Shadow Fall
‧God of War 3 Remastered
‧Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
‧WWE 2K16
‧Tropico 5
‧F1 2015
‧Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
‧MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
‧Broken Age
‧Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
‧Grim Fandango Remastered
‧Guilty Gear Xrd Sign
‧Castlestorm Definitive Edition
‧Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
‧Arcania Complete Tale
‧Super Mega Baseball
截至目前,PS Now的遊戲庫已經有多達500款,官方承諾,來自2K,Aksys,Capcom,Codemasters,Deep Silver,Double Fine,Kalypso,Loot Interactive,MESSHOF,Metalhead,NIS America,Ripstone,SNK ,THQ Nordic,XSEED,Zen Studios等的PS4遊戲都會在年底前登陸,而收費則是$19.9美元/月。