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SIE 於今年 2 月宣佈以 36 億美元收購 Bungie,其中 3 分 1 用作投資工作室的人材維持與招聘費用,收購後 Bungie 會繼續保持獨立開發營運,包括旗下的《Destiny》系列遊戲開發。
The agreement to acquire Bungie has closed. So now we can officially say… welcome to the PlayStation family, @Bungie! pic.twitter.com/x5jVmelaxl
— PlayStation (@PlayStation) July 15, 2022
Bungie 於 1991 創立,開發過《Marathon》與《Oni》等人氣作品,亦參與過《Halo: Combat Evolved》的開發,之後開發了自家的線上 FPS 遊戲《Destiny》系列大獲好評。
We are proud to officially join the incredible team at PlayStation, we are excited for the future of our company, and we are inspired to bring together players from all over the world to form lasting friendships and memories.
— Bungie (@Bungie) July 15, 2022
Per Audacia ad Astra! https://t.co/trVT3s0BTE pic.twitter.com/YQbnLrnAQW